I forwarded the Wichita Eagle story to as many national and local media outlets as possible. Sports Illustrated wrote about it on si.com and posted it on their facebook and Twitter pages. USA Today Sports ran it too and now, obviously, NBC 5 in Chicago is running it. It took all of 10 minutes to do. Given the fact that Loyola gets zero exposure locally, I hoped a story like this would give us a national mention. Maybe we all need to engage in a little guerrilla marketing to get some publicity. I know there's only going to be 4 sentences in the Tribune tomorrow morning about tonight's game - and that's if we are lucky. I also forwarded the Sister Jean story. What's s better story than a 95 year-old nun talking .rpi and strength of schedule. Anyway this is link to the SI story:
http://www.si.com/college-basketball/20 ... eerleaders . The facebook story had over 2600 "likes" which I believe is a record for a Loyola Athletics related post on facebook. Here's to partying like it's 1985!