Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 1:54 pm Posts: 2430
I have been a Cubs fan since the late 1930s --Hartnett Hack Herman at al !! Mostly disappointments But none like what just happened !! Blame all around from Ricketts on down-- Heads must roll--who ?? Madden for sure-- HE did NOT manage--He tinkered-- Eg --You do NOT bat sluggers --Rizzo and Schwarber lead off--- you do NOT bat Zobrist in the power spots And on and on He had little starting pitching ==Only Yu and the "Professor" and Q--Retire the rest or trade them----On Ricketts and Front Office Injuries !! All teams have them--But ours killed us No one except Schwarber and Castellanos stepped up Get more pitching--BOTH KINDS No lead-off man--GET ONE !! We do have good players BUT no leaders Maybe BIAZ down the line
At any rate Madden must go --Get someone who will lead and MANAGE