LU Rambler12 wrote:
I don't think these rankings should be given full weight, however, they are somewhat accurate in measuring the quality of an educational institution. Loyola has lost five spots from it's previous standing (currently at 106). Not terrible, but given the amount of money that we are spending for the future, we shouldn't be moving backwards. I expected us to be at least in the top 85 by now.
The most glaring stat seems to be our student selectivity. 91.4% of students who applied were accepted! Seriously? Are we just trying to fill up dorm space now or are we going to become a community college?
Not good, Loyola. Not good.
http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandrevie ... icago-1710A few things-
1.) The more new buildings and dorms are probably predicated on higher enrollment, and quite frankly, every student is a paying customer. So I could see us scrambling for bodies that are going to drop 40K a year for an education.
2.) According to our website, the average GPA is 3.74 and the standardized test scores are solid. So it's not like we're letting just anybody in (I mean we're clearly selective with the basketball team players...). Maybe we have admission officers who are upfront with students who wouldn't get in on their credentials, and they don't waste the time to apply. Also, given the economy in the past few years, people might be really starting to rethink spending the money for college if they truly aren't committed or qualified. If that's the case, why even bother to apply? Or if they're going to apply, why not spend less and go to a state school that's only slightly worse than LU?
3.) I couldn't find a number on LU's website to verify that 91.4% and I don't know how accurate that number is. Not only does it seem awfully high given the other statistics, but as a private school, LU can play its numbers close to the vest and not be FOIAed. Granted, private schools like the Ivies are going to preach their 5% acceptance rate from the mountaintops. Plus, I would think if anything LU would up their numbers for a big ranking like US News.